Having some trouble with MetalPay. Thought I'd give it a try after everyone saying how smooth it is. It seems to be a great way of onboarding to Proton however I keep running into issues. When I go to help all I get is a bot that doesn't understand. These are the things I am having issues with on IOS fully updated. Any help would be aprreciated.
If I have Facial Recog on it will every so often just keep gettting stuck on facial reading over and over again. Have to close and restart.
Set up 2FA sucessfully, wouldn't recognize 2FA for transaction but recognized to turn off. Transactions started working once I removed security features.
Does Chase hate MetalPay? Ran test $25 on Chase debit card, worked great. tried $100 couple days later, fraud alert. Sucessfully connect my bank and confirmed. Waited a couple days went to run transaction, funding source unavailable warning. Is that a bank issue? Anyone using this with Chase? I have my VPN turned off when trying.
People rave about MetalPay, which I am more than happy to use but I'm not getting the smooth operation. What's the secret? Can I use Paypal? or is there something that I am doing wrong? Really want this to work. Thanks
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