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A riddle in stone, infront of your eyes
Hiding the truth, deception and lies
Look at it closer and you will believe
Change your perception, of what you perceive
They're fooling the masses, about the design
Of a powerful city, with powers divine
Ever so sacred its geometry
Loaded with symbols from mythology
The square and the compass,
The keys to it all
Unlock their true secrets,
And shrouds will soon fall
Squaring the circle, its hard to digest
Just look at the master, Da Vinci knew best
Vetruvian man, proportions derived
Encoded in concrete, his secrets disguised
Great is the structure, the heart of the land
More ancient than egypt, it rests on its sand
These are the templates for which you will need
To master its knowledge, a code you will read
To the wounds of Christ, the pyramid points
On Vetruvian man, the one who anoints
Sexual union can also be found
A Vesica Pices, on monumental ground
The bloodline of Christ encrypted in stone
For two hundred years, so let it be known
And as you awaken to open your eyes
Dont be mistaken by all of thier lies
The kingdom of satan is already here
Its long been established for hundreds of years
But God is the structure of all that you see 
The nature of nature, for eternity
His power is greater, his nature divine
The one true creator within your own mind
The temple of God is the temple within
You are the temple of King Solomon
So take up your crown, upon your head
Open your eyes awaken the dead
Sigillum Dei Aemaeth, the circle complete
The seal of Gods truth, destroys the elite
The wicked will cower, when the words are spoken
Knowledge is power, the spell is now broken