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#xpr #snips U.S. Citizen fiat to XPR/Snips with no fees via #coinbase. (Images are showing reverse order!)

1. Buy $10 USDC
2. Go to https://app.metalx.com/bridge and select USDC then 'USDC - Stellar' (free to send from Coinbase) and note the Deposit Address AND Memo - both are needed!
If you don't have it yet, get #webauth wallet here: https://xprnetwork.org/wallet
3. Back on #coinbase - select Send/Receive and choose USDC - when picking network be sure to choose Stellar at the bottom. Put in address AND memo from setup 2 above. Funds should arrive in seconds.
4. Trade for #xpr or #snips at https://app.metalx.com/swap with no fees.
(More setup by step can be found here https://twitter.com/LTRIasbest....Ican/status/17585148
