Why have we lost momentum forward? I want to be able to retire early. Lets get this moving in the right direction. What can we do besides buying more? 🤔
Neil Posillico
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Why have we lost momentum forward? I want to be able to retire early. Lets get this moving in the right direction. What can we do besides buying more? 🤔
Happy 420!!!!
Not sure how many of you are on board with this flower but, for those who are .
Can we drop a couple zeros on this fine day.
Let's go snipcoins
Not looking good. We have dropped off the rocket. We need more exposure. Where are the bulls for snipcoins?Feel like Mel Gibson in Braveheart. Hold hold hold
Today makes another year older. After so many of them you can't really say happy birthday. They just become regular days. Maybe when slipcoins makes me a millionaire, I can enjoy them again. Let's go Snipcoins!!
Happy to see that Florida finally getting on board with recreational Marijuana. If you live in Florida and like the beautiful flower that only brings wealth, tranquility and circles together , vote yes. Let's go snipcoins. Lets get the crypto needle moving again as well.